Symposium 2002

Structural Change in the Agribusiness Sector

Detailed program summary here


Structural Changes in the Rural/ Agricultural Sector in Canada — Ray Bollman, Statistics Canada

The Diffusion of Innovative Organizational Structures in Saskatchewan’s New Agriculture — Roger Herman, Center for the Study of Cooperatives, Univ. of Saskatchewan

Structural Change in the North American Beef Industry — Ted Schroeder, Kansas State University

Summary of Two Ongoing Case Studies of Structural Change: UGG/Agricore and Dairyworld — Ellen Goddard and others, University of Alberta

Ongoing Research Projects at University of Alberta

Do Organic Grain Growers want a Cooperative?
Impact of Increased Poultry Meat Exports on the Canadian Poultry Sector
Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on the Canadian Food and Beverage Industry
Is There a Role for Environmental Cooperatives in Alberta?

Cooperatives and the Commodity Political Agenda: A Political Economy Approach to the Evolution of a Cooperative — Mel Lerohl, Ellen Goddard and Peter Boxall, University of Alberta

Structural Change in the Canadian Retail Food Industry — Mike Trant, Statistics Canada